Attention All Inalnd Empire People – Urban Fruit Harvesting

Hi all….
first, thank you for taking the time to read this post.

I watched a short YouTube Video on Urban Fruit Harvesting…

I am inspired…

We have an abundance of fruit growing on trees in residential areas of the Inland Empire. But every year, this delicious organic food drops without being harvested. Meanwhile, many people living on low incomes have limited access to fresh fruit, vital to a healthy diet.

I would like to get together and gather the fruit before it falls, and make this valuable resource available to those who need it.

So, if you know of anyone who has fruit tress, please let me know.

Even if it’s just one tree, it’s okay.

I am going to gather up places to pick trees and then organized a volunteer outing to start harvesting. Bring home what you want and the rest I will give to local food banks, homeless shelters and other organizations who may need fruit.

Are you in? You know of anyone who has trees, do you want to help harvest? Volunteer a truck, containers, pickers, people…..???anything you can help out with would be much appreciated.

Thank you for your support.

Making a difference, lighting my footprint….